
Coding Practice#

Code 8.1: Inventory Management#

Make a dictionary containing information about the inventory of a store where keys of the dictionary indicates the type of store item, for instance "apples", and its corresponding value corresponds to the quantity of that item in the store.

inventory = {
    "apples": 10,
    "bananas": 5,
    "oranges": 8,
    "kiwis": 7

Write a function restock_inventory that takes as input the dictionary inventory as well a restock amount.

The function should add the restock amount to each of items in the inventory and then return the updated dictionary.

The expected output of restock_inventory is shown below:

>>> inventory = {
...     "apples": 10,
...     "bananas": 5,
...     "oranges": 8,
...     "kiwis": 7
... }
>>> restock_inventory(inventory, 3)
{'apples': 13, 'bananas': 8, 'oranges': 11, 'kiwis': 10}
>>> restock_inventory(inventory, 2)
{'apples': 15, 'bananas': 10, 'oranges': 13, 'kiwis': 12}
>>> restock_inventory(inventory, 1)
{'apples': 16, 'bananas': 11, 'oranges': 14, 'kiwis': 13}

Code 8.2: Weather Station#

Define a dictionary which represents a weather station. The dictionary should have 5 keys: "station_name", "is_operational", "city", "country" and "construction_year". You can see in the image below, the value of each key.


Now you should modify the dictionary by adding the key temperature_readings with the value [20.1, 21.3, 19.8, 22.0]. Add also the key wind_speed_readings with the value [5.2, 3.4, 7.1, 15.6].

Write a for-loop that prints all key-value pairs of the dictionary weather_station. Look at your output and confirm that the dictionary has the correct keys and values.

Now write a function get_average_readings which as an input takes a dictionary with the same structure as weather_station. The function should return a tuple with two values: the average of the wind speed readings and the average of the temperature readings. Test the function with the dictionary weather_station and print the results.

Code 8.3: Data Statistics#

Write a function data_statistics which given a list of experiment values and an experiment name returns a dictionary containing the following key-value pairs:

  • experiment_name: The name of the experiment.

  • experiment_values: The list of experiment values.

  • mean_val: The mean of the experiment values.

  • standard_deviation: The standard deviation of the experiment values.

  • max_val: The maximum of the experiment values.

  • min_val: The minimum of the experiment values.

The standard deviation \(\sigma\) of a sequence of values can be found using the formula below:

\[ \sigma=\sqrt{\frac{\sum\left(x_i-\mu\right)^2}{N}} \]

where \(x_{i}\) denotes value \(i\) in the sequence, \(\mu\) is the mean of the sequence and \(N\) is the length of the sequence.

To test your function, you can use the example data given below:

experiment_name = "standard_values"
experiment_values = [1.30, -0.01,  1.35,  0.31,  0.35, -1.61,  1.39,  1.19, -1.07,  0.34]

Problem Solving#

Problem 8.4: Energy Expenditure#

Energy expenditure is a measure of how many calories a body burns throughout a day. Total energy expenditure (TEE) can be calculated as

\[\mathrm{TEE} = \mathrm{BEE} \cdot \mathrm{AF}\]

where AF is the activity factor, and BEE is the basal energy expenditure covering essential functions like breathing, circulation, and digestion.

The BEE for males and females is

\[\mathrm{BEE}_\mathrm{male} = 66 + (13.7 \cdot \text{weight}) + (5.0 \cdot \text{height}) - (6.8 \cdot \text{age})\]
\[\mathrm{BEE}_\mathrm{female} = 655 + (9.6 \cdot \text{weight}) + (1.8 \cdot \text{height}) - (4.7 \cdot \text{age})\]

where weight, height and age are in kilograms, centimeters and years, respectively.

The activity factor AF is classified as:

  • Sedentary activity: \(\mathrm{AF} = 1.3\)

  • Moderate activity: \(\mathrm{AF} = 1.5\)

  • Strenuous activity: \(\mathrm{AF} = 2.0\)

Assume your are given data for three persons in the following form:

person_data = {
    "names": ["Jakob", "Josefine", "Morten"],
    "genders": ["Male", "Female", "Male"], 
    "ages": [25, 30, 37], 
    "weights": [70, 60, 86], 
    "heights": [175, 165, 189],
    "activity_levels": ["moderate", "strenuous", "sedentary"]

Here, the items in the first position of each list correspond to the weight, height and age of the first person, and so on.

Write a function calculate_bee_tee which meets the following specifications:

calculate_bee_tee(person_data, name)

The basal energy expenditure (BEE) and total energy expenditure (TEE).


  • person_data


Person data including age, gender, height and weight

  • name


The name of a person in person_data


  • tuple

The BEE and TEE of the person with the corresponding name

The expected output of calculate_bee_tee is shown below:

>>> calculate_bee_tee(person_data, 'Jakob')
(1730.0, 2595.0)
>>> calculate_bee_tee(person_data, 'Josefine')
(1387.0, 2774.0)
>>> calculate_bee_tee(person_data, 'Morten')
(1937.6, 2518.88)

Problem 8.5: Player Scores#

You are in charge of making a leaderboard for DTU’s football club. You have devised a point scoring system to determine the performance of each player. The point scoring system is as follows:

  • Successful goals are worth 20 points each

  • Successful passes are worth 2 points each

  • Unsuccessful goal attempts are worth 5 points each

  • Unsuccessful pass attempts are worth 1 point each

The each player’s score is the sum of the points accumulated in the four categories.

Assume your are given the following set of player statistics containing number of goals, number of passes, number of goal attempts and number of pass attempts of all the players in the club. The attempts include both the successful and unsuccessful attempts.

player_stats = [
    {"name": "Bob", "goals": 2, "passes": 15, "goal_attempts": 3, "pass_attempts": 17},
    {"name": "Alex", "goals": 1, "passes": 17, "goal_attempts": 2, "pass_attempts": 20},
    {"name": "Molly", "goals": 1, "passes": 28, "goal_attempts": 2, "pass_attempts": 31},
    {"name": "Sophia", "goals": 2, "passes": 21, "goal_attempts": 3, "pass_attempts": 25}

Write a function get_highscore which meets the following specifications:


Finds the player with the highest score from a set of player statistics.


  • player_stats


A set of player statistics including player name, number of goals, number of passes, number of goal attempts and number of pass attempts.


  • tuple

The name of the highest scoring player and their player score.

The expected output of get_highscore is shown below:

>>> get_highscore(player_stats)
('Sophia', 91)

Problem 8.6: Social Network#

A social network model is a mathematical framework that can represent the relationships and interactions between individuals. Imagine two persons; person A and person B in the social network. We will assume a social network model where a friendship between person A and person B can be categories into three types:

  • Mutual friendships:

    • Person A has a mutual friendship with person B if person A and person B are both friends with each other.

  • Outgoing friendships:

    • Person A has an outgoing friendship with person B if person A is friends with person B but person B is not friends with person A.

  • Ingoing friendships:

    • Person A has an ingoing friendship with person B if person A is not friends with person B but person B is friends with person A.

Assume you are given a dictionary on the following form which contains a set of persons and a list of the people whom the person is friends with.

social_network = {
    "Alice": ["Josefine", "Charlie", "Jakob"],
    "Morten": ["Charlie", "David", "Josefine"],
    "Josefine": ["Alice", "David", "Jakob"],
    "Charlie": ["Alice", "Jakob", "David"],
    "David": ["Josefine"],
    "Jakob": ["Charlie", "Alice", "Josefine", "David"]

Considering the example above, Charlie has mutual friendships with Alice and Jakob, an outgoing friendship with David and an ingoing friendship with Morten.

We now are interested in determining the number of mutual, outgoing and ingoing friendships of the individuals in our social network model.

Write a function popularity which meets the following specifications:

popularity(social_network, person_name)

Calculates the number of mutual, number of outgoing and number of ingoing friendships of a person in a social network model.


  • social_network


A social network model.

  • person_name


The name of a person in social_network.


  • tuple

The number of mutual, outgoing and ingoing friendships of the person.

The expected output of popularity given person_name = "Charlie" is shown below:

>>> popularity(social_network, "Charlie")
(2, 1, 1)

Problem 8.7: Phonebook Merge#

A phonebook is represented as a dictionary where each key corresponds to a contact’s name, and the corresponding value is a list of phone numbers associated with that contact. As an example, consider the two phonebooks given below:

phonebook = {'Liv': ['55511112', '18777890'] ,
              'Mads': ['27274445', '48533336'],
              'Steve': ['45455555', '25455525']}

second_phonebook = {'Anna': ['89577772'] ,
                     'Steve': ['25257755', '25455525'],
                     'Mads': ['48533336', '27274445']}

Given a second phonebook, we want to add its content to the first phonebook, but without creating duplicates.

Write a function that takes two dictionaries representing phonebooks as input. The function should not have a return statement, but it should modify the first phonebook by adding the content from the second phonebook. Specifically:

  • If a name from the second phonebook is not present in the first phonebook, it should be added to the first phonebook along with its associated phone numbers.

  • If a name from the second phonebook is already present in the first phonebook, then we look at the two lists of phone numbers for that name. Phone numbers that are only present in the second list should be appended to the first list in the order they occur in the second list.

The function should have the following specifications:

phonebook_merge(phonebook, second_phonebook)

Modifies the dictionary phonebook by adding the content from second_phonebook while avoiding duplicates.


  • phonebook


A dictionary containing names and lists of phone numbers.

  • second_phonebook


A second dictionary containing names and lists of phone numbers.

The expected behavior of phonebook_merge is shown below:

phonebook_merge(phonebook, second_phonebook)

for name in phonebook:
     name, phonebook[name]
     print(name, phonebook[name])
Liv ['55511112', '18777890']
Mads ['27274445', '48533336']
Steve ['45455555', '25455525', '25257755']
Anna ['89577772']

Problem 8.8: Typical Successor#

In various languages, some combinations of letters are more common than others. For example, in the English language, the letter q is almost always followed by the letter u.

In this task, you should write a function that takes as input two strings: text, a string representing some text; and letter, a string containing one lower case letter from the English alphabet. The function should return the letter that most frequently follows the given letter in the text. If the given letter is not found in the text or is not followed by any other letter, the function should return an empty string.

The following rules apply:

  • The input text may contain both upper and lower case letters, but you should treat them all as lower case letters. For example, A and a should be treated as a.

  • All characters that are not letters of the English alphabet should be ignored. However, they should be treated as breaks in the flow of succession. For example, in up-down, the letter p is not followed by the letter d.

  • In general, two or more letters may be the most frequent successors. In our tests, there is always exactly one most frequent successor. Therefore, you can assume that if the letter is found in the text and has successors, there is exactly one which is the most frequent.

As an example, consider following input:

>>> typical_successor('Hello world. This usual salutation usually starts programming.', 'l')

In this text string, the letter l appears 7 times. It is 6 times followed by another letter, and once by space. The letter l is followed by d once, by l twice, by o once, by u once, and by y once. Therefore l should be returned.

typical_successor(text, letter)

Return the letter that most often follows the given letter in the text.


  • text


The input text to analyze.

  • letter


The letter to check for subsequent occurrences.


  • str

The letter that most frequently follows the given letter in the text.