How to take this course?

How to take this course?#

How to take this course?#

This introductory programming course is designed for students with no prior programming experience. Our focus is on practical programming skills, with just enough theory to help you understand key concepts.

To develop your programming skills, regular practice is essential. This course provides a structured approach with various activities each week.


Activities to do before the in-class activities, estimated to take 2-3 hours per week. This includes:

  • Reading: Approximately one chapter from the textbook.

  • Copy-and-run exercises: Copy and run the provided code snippets to familiarize yourself with the concepts.

  • Self-quiz: Test your understanding of the reading material and exercises.


Activities to do while in-class, facilitated by the class teachers and teaching assistants. This includes:

  • Start-up lecture: A brief 15-min lecture introducing the topic of the week.

  • In-class quiz: A 10-question quiz similar to the self-quiz.

  • Coding practice: Write small pieces of code to reinforce learning.

  • Live demo: Watch a demonstration focused on problem-solving.

  • Problem solving: Work on self-contained, larger coding problems.


Activities to do after the in-class activities, estimated to take 1 hour per week. This includes:

  • Syllabus: Review what you’ve learned.

  • Advanced topics: Optional challenges if you want to learn more.