
The course 02002/02003 is an introductory programming course, and we expect no prior experience in programming. However, we do expect a certain level of computer literacy (ability to use computers) and digital literacy (ability to navigate digital platforms). Below are the most important prerequisites for the course, and some material to help you test your skills.

Prerequisites for the course#

Basic computer knowledge#

Having a basic conceptual understanding of how a computer works; understanding what is meant by terms hardware, software, memory, and operating system (OS). Knowing how to look up basic specifications of your laptop describing brand, OS version, processor, RAM, storage, and display. Having a basic conceptual understanding of how these specifications impact your laptop’s performance.

File management#

  • Understanding the concept of files and folders.

  • Being able to use a file manager (File explorer on Windows or Finder on MacOS) to perform basic actions including creating, deleting, renaming, copying, and moving files and folders.

  • Understanding the concept of paths and how to look up the path for files and folders on your laptop.

  • Understanding file formats and file extensions, and being able to identify file formats and extensions for files on your laptop.

  • Being able to navigate your computer’s file system.

  • Recognizing and understanding the purpose of common folders like My Documents/Documents and Desktop.

  • Knowing how to start programs and open files on your laptop.

  • Understanding the actions initiated by clicking, double-clicking and right-clicking on program or file names and icons.

  • Being able to change your computer’s basic system settings and the settings of your file manager.

Text files#

  • Being able to create and edit text files using an editor that supports saving files in plain text format.

  • Understanding the difference between pain text files, and other types of files that contain text (e.g., rtf, doc, pdf).

Browser and downloading#

  • Understanding the concept of an internet browser and how to use it to navigate web pages. - Understanding the difference between online content and local content.

  • Being able to download content from the internet and store it in a specific folder.

  • Knowing what a .zip file is, and being able to extract its content into a specific folder.

Organizing files#

  • Having experience organizing files and folders for a subject or course.

  • Being able to copy, rename and modify provided files and organize them systematically, such as by weeks or topic.


Exercise 1: File handling#

With this (optional) exercise you can test your file-handling skills.

Download the material from this link. Unzip the document, and conduct the exercise listed in the pdf file. link test

Exercise 2: Get to know your computer#

Answer the following questions to further test your computer literacy.

  • What operating system does your computer use?

  • Which file manager do you typically use?

  • What is the name of the folder where you keep your study-related documents? What is the full path to that folder?

  • Find a file in this folder or another one. What is the name of the file? What is its file extension?

Self quiz#

The quiz tests your basic computer knowledge.

Question 1#

What is the difference between hardware and software?

Question 2#

Which of the following is an operating system?

Question 3#

The specifications of a laptop include the value 2.40GHz. What does this refer to?

Question 4#

What do you expect to happen when you double-click a program icon on a desktop?

Question 5#

Which of the following actions can you perform with a file manager (File Explorer or Finder)?

Question 6#

What is a file extension?

Question 7#

What is the purpose of the My Documents/Documents folder in most operating systems?

Question 8#

Which of the following is a pure text file format?

Question 9#

What is the main purpose of an internet browser?

Question 10#

What does it mean to unzip a file?