Frequently Asked Questions#

Frequently Asked Questions#

I will be absent on a specific day. Are you recording the lectures?#

You won’t be able to watch the in-class activities or participate in the in-class quiz if you are absent on a specific day, even with a valid reason for your absence. While you should prioritize attending the live activities, you can still keep up with the course if you can’t attend every week. For the days you can’t be there, make sure to complete the exercises outside of the classroom. You can still get help from the TAs online on Ed.

Can I take this course without attending the lectures?#

There is no classical lecturing in this course. Instead, we address the students at the beginning of each session to make sure they are on the same page, and then we have various in-class activities. In-class activities are designed to encourage students to practice programming regularly, at a steady pace, and get feedback from peers and TAs.

You can take the course without participating in these activities. All course material is available on the course website, and you can ask questions on Ed. If you choose not to attend the in-class activities, you should make sure to practice programming regularly on your own.

What is the exam type?#

The exam type for all DTU courses is outlined in the course base (see course descriptions for 02002 and 02003). For 02002 and 02003, the exam is a 4-hour written exam with all aids and no access to the internet. This means:

  • The exam is individual and conducted on-site at DTU.

  • The exam problems are distributed digitally via the Digital Exam (DE) platform. Students use their computers to solve the exam problems. Students submit their solutions via DE.

  • Students may bring all aids, either printed or digital.

  • Communication with others or using AI tools like ChatGPT, Copilot, or Gemini during the exam is prohibited.

When and where will the exam take place?#

The exam date is set according to the DTU exam schedule, where you should search by course number (02002 or 02003).

The specific location and time will be announced at least one week before the exam period and can be found in the exam plan.

What will the exam problems look like?#

The exam consists of 10 programming problems that cover the entire course. Typically, each problem corresponds to a week’s topic, but this isn’t a strict rule, and problems are presented in no particular order.

For each problem, we provide a few tests to help you verify your solution. However, you are responsible for ensuring your solution works correctly for all valid inputs, not just the provided tests.

For example, if you are asked to write a function called make_double which takes a number and returns double that number, we might give you two tests:

  • make_double(4) should return 8

  • make_double(-1.2) should return -2.4

Your function should work correctly for any number, not just 4 and -1.2 .

How is the exam assessed?#

All questions are weighted equally. After the exam, your 10 solutions will be tested, and each will receive a score between 0% and 100%. Tests provided during the exam will carry less weight than additional tests that are not provided. The final exam score is the average of the 10 questions, plus any bonus points from mini-quizzes.

The translation of your percentage score to a grade will be determined after the exam.

How do I earn bonus points from mini-quizzes?#

Starting in week 2, we hold weekly in-class mini-quizzes with 10 multiple-choice questions. If you correctly answer 6 or more questions, you earn 0.5% bonus points. You can accumulate up to 5% bonus points from mini-quizzes, which will be added to your final exam score. There are a total of 12 mini-quizzes.

How is the final grade computed?#

Your final grade is based on the sum of your exam score (a percentage between 0 and 100) and your mini-quiz bonus points (up to 5%). The exact grading scale will be determined after the exam, but typically, around 40% is required to pass, and scores above 90% will earn top grades.

How can I tell how well I did on the in-class mini-quiz?#

On DTU Learn click on “Quiz Submission” then “Grades”. There you can see whether you passed the quiz or not.

Will the mini-quizzes shown in-class be made available?#

Mini-quizzes are modified, shortened versions of self-quizzes that are fully available. We do not plan to release the mini-quizzes. Since they test your conceptual understanding of programming, your exam preparation will be more effective if you focus on solving programming problems rather than reviewing quiz questions.

Can I use AI tools in this course?#

You are allowed to use any resources, including AI tools like ChatGPT, Copilot, or Gemini, to help you learn programming. We have provided examples of how to use AI for programming on our How to AI programming? page.

However, AI tools are not allowed during the exam.

What if I fail the exam?#

If you fail the ordinary exam in the winter exam period (the exam given in December, a few weeks after the course), you can take the re-exam in the spring exam period. Be sure to check the dates and the registration deadlines to register in time. The re-exam is of the same type as the ordinary exam.

Bonus points are valid for one year from the ordinary exam. That is, you can use your bonus points for the first re-exam in spring and the next ordinary exam in winter, but not beyond that.

I did not pass the re-exam. What now?#

If you did not pass the course, and it is offered again, you can either retake the course or just the exam.

  • To retake the course, register via your study planner. If you retake the course, you can earn bonus points from mini-quizzes.

  • To only retake the exam, use the exam registration page. If you want to, we can add you to the course as a non-enrolled student. This gives you access to the updated course material, and all the information which regular students receive. However, you will not be eligible to earn new bonus points. Write to if you want to be added to the course as a non-enrolled student.

I failed the course in 2023 where we had mandatory assignments, and not quizzes. Do I need to retake the course to earn bonus points?#

If you only retake the exam and your projects were approved for the exam in 2023, you will be given 5% bonus points. If you retake the course, you can earn bonus points from in-class mini-quizzes instead, and the projects from 2023 will not be considered.

If you are already signed up for the course but instead only want to retake the exam, please deregister from the course and remember to register for the exam. If you then want to be given access to the course material as a non-enrolled student, email us once you can no longer see the course on DTU Learn.

Note the following changes in the course for 2024: The course no longer uses the cp folder, download scripts, or tests built into to VS Code. The exam questions will be similar, but the format will reflect these changes. The curriculum is unchanged.